Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Great Poetry E-Book Free-For-All!

The mission of the Poetry Super Highway is to expose as many people to as many other people's poetry as possible. To that end, Rick Lupert at PSH has come up with a crazy project in which poetry e-books will be freely available to all interested humans on Earth for a 24 hour period.

Throughout April he collected e-books from poets and writers interested in participating -- including yours truly. Then on May 1st, for a 24 hour period, a special website will go live with links to all of the e-books. For 24 hours anyone will be free to download, for free, as many of these e-books as they like ... a poetry e-book free-for-all.

On May 1st at Midnight (the evening of April 30), Poetry Super Highway will distribute a special e-mail letting people know the location of the web page with links to all of the e-book files. People will be free to download any or all of the titles, electronically, travelling all over the world. This web page will go off line 24 hours later at Midnight on May 2nd.

PSH will also list e-book descriptions on this web page along with links to the authors' websites.

When it's over, PSH will produce a list of how many copies of each book were downloaded for no reason other than you may find it interesting.

Check out the
e-book site today, and forward this information to anyone else who may be interested.

Oh, and let me know what you think of Used Poems: 1985-2004.


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