Thursday, April 18, 2013

Poems in Packingtown Review

I'm thrilled to have four of my napkin poems in the latest issue of the esteemed (and recently revived) Packingtown Review! Be sure to read my artist's statement for some insights into my 'process' and hope you enjoy!

First Review of Brief Nudity!

The good folks at Heavy Feather Review published a thoughtful and very flattering review of Brief Nudity today. Check it out here, and thanks to Jordan Sanderson for the thumbs up!

On a related note, the Spring Book Bling Reading Tour for Brief Nudity is more or less set, aside from a few potential gigs still in the works. You can always refer to the Appearances page at my official site or Brief Nudity's Facebook page for updates.

When all the tour dates for spring and summer have been finalized, I will post them here.

Hope to see you at an upcoming event!

Hands on Stanzas Update

Recent residencies at Skinner West revolved around work by Claude McKay, Elizabeth Bishop, and Kenneth Patchen. Examples of student picture poems (one from each classroom) in the style of Patchen are below.

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