Posting this rather last minute for one of these events, but did want to mention that I will be reading at two fantastic gatherings during National Poetry Month:
WHEN: Sunday, April 19, 3 to 6 PM
WHAT: Chicago Poetry Explosion: A National Poetry Month Celebration
WHERE: Peter Jones Gallery, 1806 West Cuyler, 2nd Floor
WHO: Featured poets include Bill Allegrezza, Lisa Alvarado, Stella Radulescu, Jennifer Karmin, Rey Escobar, Kevin Blanchard, Nick Demske, Larry O. Dean, Erika Mikkalo, Tara Keogh, Kathy Kubik, Josephine Lipuma, Doree McNulty, Donna Pecore, Paul Martinez Pompa, Cathleen Schandelmeier, Dina Stengel, Sheila Donovan, Roberto Del Rio, Pam Osbey, Mike Puican, PJ Destin, Adam Shames, Michael H. Brownstein, and Maria Fischinger.
WHY: to celebrate National Poetry Month
HOW MUCH: free and open to the public
NOTE: Bring snacks, soda, beer, wine. If what you bring requires paper plates or plastic ware, please supply.
WHEN: Saturday, April 25, 2 to 4 PM
WHAT: Chicago Poetry Cram
WHERE: Harold Washington Library, Lower Reception Hall, 400 S. State
WHO: Poets from Young Chicago Authors, A Small Garlic Press, After Hours Press, Dancing Girl Press, Fractal Edge Press, Free Lunch, March Abrazo Press, Neighborhood Writing Alliance, Poetry Magazine, RHINO, Swan Isle Press, Third World Press, Univ. of Chicago Press / Black Ocean Press, Virtual Artists Collective, and EbonyEnergy Publishing among others. A few of the poets performing include Allison Joseph, Gene McCormick, Irving Miller, James Reiss, Michael H. Brownstein, Lisa Alvarado, Ned Haggard, Paul Brandon, Stella Radulescu, A.J. Bryson, Roberto Del Rio, Anna Husain, Larry O. Dean, Dred Sista Ren , Erika Mikkalo, Sheila A. Donovan, Emily Calvo, Sharon L. Powell, Lynn Fitzgerald, Glenn Ferdman, Arlene Zide, and Laurie Blum.
WHY: to celebrate National Poetry Month
HOW MUCH: free and open to the public
NOTE: Poets interested in participating in the open mic portion of Chicago Poetry Cram may sign up in the library lobby at the table, prior to showtime.
Both are hosted by CJ Laity of He may be reached at
Hope to see you there(s)!